Nature guides from Friluftsrådet (the outdoor council) tested Presuno in the autumn of 2020 when they held an online conference on children, young people and nature
Hosting a live streaming event outdoors can pose a number of challenges. You must have all production equipment and mobile power sources with you, and you must protect the equipment from wind and weather. It is therefore important to have a good technical and flexible setup.
With Presuno’s software and a pair of mobile phones, the nature guides from Friluftrådet were able to successfully execute the event in an easy and complete way.
The conference and the streamed event aimed to involve the beautiful surroundings as much as possible, and therefore we felt that it made sense to test Presuno’s streaming software with simultaneous front and rear camera recordings. At the same time, it should be easy to operate by the Krible Krable team.
The audience could also ask questions during the live event, which worked really well and gave extra depth to the event.
The software lived up to expectations, the event was a great success for both Friluftrådet and the participants, and in a questionnaire sent out after the event, the majority of the participants answered that it worked to a great or very high extent.
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